Broadband Availability

Laramie County Wyoming is a fantastic place to live. The schools are good, the traffic is light (or nonexistent!) and the outdoor opportunities are glorious. Doing remote work, entrepreneurs can be just as effective in Horse Creek, Wyoming as they are in Poughkeepsie, New York! The keys to success are good ideas, good mentoring, and a good broadband connection. Unfortunately, some places in the county (like Horse Creek, for instance) lack that good broadband connection.

Fortunately, there is funding available (without touching state revenue!) to improve broadband availability in Wyoming. I will unlock those funds and ensure that hurdle is behind us. In a future post, I will talk about improving mentoring opportunities.

I am a champion of remote work because it provides great business opportunities for us and for future generations. My goal, as always, is to make sure our children and grandchildren can stay here and enjoy this amazing state!


Mentoring Entrepreneurs

